Here is how cloning has developed over the last few decades:
- 1953: Watson
& Crick discover the nature of DNA
- 1968: First
cloned tadpole at Oxford, UK
- 1978: Birth
of Louise Brown the first 'test tube' baby
- 1995: Megan
& Morag the first sheep clones created from a developing embryo
- 1997 (Feb):
Dolly the first animal cloned from a single adult sheep cell
- 1997 (July):
Polly a sheep with human genes is cloned
- 1998 (July):
Mice cloned form other mice clones
- 1998 (Dec):
S. Koreans claim to have cloned first human embryo
- 1998 (Dec):
UK advisors open the door to legal cloning in UK
- 1999 (June):
first pictures released of a 12 day old, human, cloned embryo
- 2000 (July):
The Donaldson Report supports the cloning of human embryos for research. Shortly afterwards UK Members of Parliament
voted in favour
- 2001 (Jan):
'ANDi', the first genetically modified monkey is born
- 2001 (Feb):
The UK House of Lords approve the cloning of human embryos for research
- 2001 (Feb):
Scientists unravel the human genome
- 2001 (Nov):
Embryo created without fertilization
- 2002 (Dec):
An organization called 'Cloneaid' claims that they have produced the first cloned human baby
- 2004 (Feb-Mar):
South Koren scientists successfully create 30 human clones for therapeutic reasons. The 30 human embryos are
later destroyed.