Embryo Screening

Extra chromosomes
Embryo Screening in the Whomb
Possible birth defects fixed with embryo screening
Where will embryo screening go in the future?
Ultrasound can be done in any of the 3 trimesters of pregnancy to screen for possible fetal defects.


Normal human cells contain 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. We receive 23 chromosomes from each of our parents. The first 22 pairs of chromosomes are exactly the same for men and women. The 23rd pair determines our sex.

A female has two "X" chromosomes, whereas a male has an "X" and a "Y." As such, the woman can only pass an X to her child in her egg.

The man passes either the X or the Y in the sperm, therefore determining the sex of the child.

This Web site will attempt to explain what happens with extra chromosomes, embryo screening in the womb, Possible birth defects fixed by embryo screening and where embryo screening might go in the future.


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